A few days ago CNN reported on several health myths that many of us grew up hearing and believing that just aren't so. See what you remember from your past.
Have you ever made bread or seen it made? The dough gets mixed and shaped dropped into a pan and baked. It's the same dough mixture inside and out. The crust forms because it is exposed to the heat of the oven. Vitamins aren't formed due to heat they are contained in the ingredients used in making the dough. A recent research study shows that certain cancer-fighting antioxidants might be formed at a higher rate in the crust when the dough is exposed to high heat. The jury is still out on that one.
e's another - An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Actually, besides water, fiber and fructose apples don't contain very high levels of many vitamins and minerals. A handful of blueberries, an orange, or glass of milk might be a better choice than an apple. Blueberries are a fiber and antioxidant jackpot, oranges contain a whole lot of vitamin C (an antioxidant) and milk is full of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and many other vitamins and minerals that contribute to the health of our bodies. Instead of an apple a day, how about a bowl of cereal with blueberries tossed on top, milk and orange juice to start the day!

e you ever heard that "Eating Fish Makes You Smart?" It's actually the omega 3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like tuna and salmon that contributes to development of the brain, cognition and vision so important during the first 3-4 years of life. It's not the fish, it's the fatty acid which is also found in avocado, walnuts and canola oil. The question is how much does this contribute to intelligence?

We all hear things and if we hear them enough times from enough different people we believe them to be true. Check your facts out regarding old wives' tales or commonly held beliefs and above all use your common sense. While what we have always believed about food might not be the case it doesn't mean we can't still take pleasure in those foods. Enjoy!
Happy, Healthy Eating,
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