Monday, October 4, 2010

Be the Adult - Teach Good Food Choices

Today is National Child Health Day. Celebrate by feeding the kids in your life good, healthy food that tastes great. Those are not mutually exclusive. We teach kids how to safely cross the street, make sure they get enough sleep, do their homework and be kind to others. In order to accomplish this we sometimes have to make choices that are not convenient or immediately pleasing to either us or them but we do it because it teaches them to make the right decision and live a positive, safe and healthy life. But when it comes to eating we are quick to cave in to the demands of time and begging voices that don't want what we are offering so we resort to giving the children in our lives what they want at them moment instead of what we know they really need.

One of the most important things you can do for children is to provide them with enough low-fat dairy, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean proteins to grow strong and healthy. This can be just as much fun and empty sugary "treats". ( ) Dietary Guidelines recommend the following:
  • 6 ounces grains (at least half should be whole grains)
  • 2 1/2 cups vegetables
  • 1 1/2 cups fruit
  • 2 - 3 cups milk products
  • 5 ounces lean meat or other protein such as nuts, seeds, tofu, eggs or beans

Go shopping together, try new things, have fun doing it together. Food is the perfect get everyone together and involved activity. Kids like good food - really! Be a good role model. Make healthy food a habit - a good healthy habit.

Happy Child Health Day! Celebrate.


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