Monday, July 5, 2010

Be Healthy - Move More

It's July 5th. My mother always said that after the 4th of July it feels like summer is almost over. Many of us work hard to get in shape for summer clothes including bathing suits. What about after summer is over? That same effort made in getting in shape for summer can continue and the motives more longlasting. Read on...
People who are active are healthier, less likely to become sick or develop chronic illness and be better fit than the inactive. Physical activity contributes to health in three different ways and different activities promote different outcomes. They are:
  • Aeorbic Activities - strengthens the HEART
  • Muscle Strengthening Activities - strengthens the MUSCLES
  • Bone Strengthening Activities - strenthens the BONES - these are by definition more critical for youth and children than adults but important nonetheless
Aerobic - substantial health benefits result when the heart rate is increased for a period of time not less than 10 minutes. Jogging, bicycling, skiing, brisk walking, dancing, water aerobics, moderate gardening are all considered aerobic activities. Benefits range from weight loss or weight gain prevention, lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and cholesterol, diabetes, stroke and certain cancers. Results are best when adults participate in 5 hours of activity each week.

Muscle Strength - activities that work major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms) will do much to improve fitness and the ability to do any and all activities not otherwise limited. In otherwords the muscles in all the aforementioned areas become stronger and more capable of performing well. Exercises using body weight or bands as resistance, weight lifting, modified push ups and other similar calistenics, wall climbing are all activities that will increase muscle strength. Two or more days a week of 8 - 12 times a set. As exercises become easier either increase weight or number of repetitions.

Bone Strength - activites that provide a force on the bones will promote bone growth and strength through impact with the ground. These are terrific for kids in order to support bone growth and strength but adults also benefit by maximizing their bone strength and preventing or slowing bone loss. Brisk walking, jogging or running are typical activities in this category but many adults also participate in games such as volleyball, basketball, and tennis which also create an impact.

Physical exercise should be fun. Engage in activities that are enjoyable, offer variety, are age appropriate (young or old), and stretch physical abilities. However listen to your body; if anything hurts stop and give it a rest. Resume in a day or so but most of all ENJOY what you are doing and encourage the children in your life to have fun as well.

Happy, Healthy Eating AND Exercise!!


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