Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hold the Salt!

Salt is a favorite ingredient in our food - both processed and home cooked varieties. Americans consume about twice as much salt as our bodies need. According to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans ( healthy adults should only have about 1 teaspoon of salt daily. Why? It plays a strong role in hypertension development in many people. Cutting back on salt is a good idea for everyone. The question is how, given the food sources available.
  • Fill up of foods naturally low in sodium - Fruits and vegetables are at the top of the list, especially the fresh or frozen variety.
  • Enjoy home-prepared foods made with herbs and spices instead of salt - Add flavor with onion, garlic, rosemary, dill, curry, cumin, chili powder just to name a few. They have strong flavors that can make up for the lack of salt. And don't forget the pepper!
  • Watch out for the condiments - soy sauce, mustard, ketchup and pickled foods are high in sodium.
  • Take the salt shaker off the table and/or don't use in the preparation process which is what I do. That makes the amount of salt in the food a personal not corporate decision.
  • Cut back gradually - the salty flavor is learned taste which can be unlearned as well. Cutting back on salt little by little often results in not even missing it. Pay attention to natural taste of the food you choose to eat
  • Read the label - compare the sodium level of similar foods remembering that the amounts listed are for the serving size listed on the Nutrition Facts label.
  • A little bit can go a long way - instead of removing the salt completely add a little bit it really does go a long way to a satisfying lower sodium intake.

Above all - enjoy your foods and the natural flavors they provide.

Happy Healthy Eating,


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