"Communication is a wonderful thing - but you need to do it!" It's one of my favorite expressions that I use often with my family and employees. All of us communicate is a wide variety of ways. People much smarter than I am have proposed several factors that Goman* refers to as "The Silent Language of Leaders"...
- FACE FOLKS DIRECTLY - even a slight turn away creates a barrier indicating a lack of interest. Close your laptop, turn off that cell phone, put away briefcase
- POSITIVE EYE CONTACT MATTERS - look directly into my eyes. As long as you are looking at me I believe I have your full attention
- OPEN GESTURES WORK - keep movements relaxed, show the palm of your hands. These are signals of credibility and candor. Arms crossed, hands hidden create barriers.
- USE YOUR HEAD - Nod your head the next time you want another person to talk more. Research shows that people will talk 3 to 4 times more than usual when the listener nods.
- SMILE - it directly influences how other people respond. Smiling is contagious - people smile back which can change a person's emotional state both listener and speaker