Stand tall in the face of adversity and
Go where few have gone before!"
It's tough to be a good leader. Leadership is often thrust upon us with not formal training and yet we so want to excel at it. The question often emerges - what do I do first when there's so much that has to be done? No doubt about it - the multi-tasking duties and deadlines and challenging goals that professionals face each day are stressful. So what can we do to maintain a positive attitude and keep stress in check?
We often hear about stress being the result of being overworked, but postponing tasks leads to more worry and increased anxiety than lots of work ever does. You can actually overcome certain types of stress by picking up the pace of your work and here's how:
-Avoid postponing jobs - Tackle them head-on. Begin with the most unpleasant tasks first.
-Be the master of your day - rather than react to each day's circumstances, list and prioritize daily tasks then stay focused on their completion.
-Delegate - only do what you HAVE to do. Much of what we do each day could easily be done by others, those who report to us, our colleagues, our friends. We choose to do things not because we have to but because we think no one else can do them as well. They really can!! -Challenge yourself - don't stop after you've completed the first one - keep going. You'll be surprised how much more you can accomplish by taking a break and then returning to what's next.
While you may feel some level of stress related to working harder, the resulting reward of accomplishment will transform worry and anxiety into improved self-confidence and self-satisfaction.
And that reduces stress. And that's Leadership!