When cold and flu season comes around, many folks run to the medicine cabinet for the latest form of relief. A trip to the kitchen might be a smarter move. Mom knew that.
Experts in nutrition know that nutrition plays an important role in keeping our immune systems healthy. After all the nutrients that help fight disease are fo
und in food. The one's we find in the medicine cabinet are only poor imitations of the real thing. Even a slight deficiency in one nutrient can prevent the entire system from functioning efficiently. Among the nutrients recognized for their many roles in building immunity and immune response are protein, vitamins A, C, and E and zinc. If that sounds familiar it's because these nutrients are considered antioxidants and especially vitamins A and C are found in very large amounts in fruits and vegetables. Protein and zinc are common in meat products so that leaves dairy and carbs and you have a healthy balanced food plan. There are others too, like B6, folate, selenium (another antioxidant), iron, copper, prebiotics and probiotics which may also influence the immune system in a good way!

Inside the body the immune system consists of a finely orchestrated complex collection of tissues and cells that protect your body from allergens, bacteria, viruses and other harmful organisms known as antigens. To work smoothly, these cells depend on keeping your body in top shape.
Fall and winter seasons bring on colds and flu. Good nutrition is essential to a healthy functioning system to fight these invaders. To protect your body eat healthy and enjoy - your food and your health.
Be happy, be healthy