Move - even if it's just to get a drink of water, stretch or empty a few wastebaskets. Going for a walk, bike ride, swim or pulling a few late season weeds can help keep you healthy. The longer you sit, whether in the car, in front of the TV, at the computer, reading or at the park, the greater the risk of developing any number of conditions which can hasten long-term problems.
Women who said that they sat for at least six hours a day - not counting time spent sitting at work - were 34 percent more likely to die over the 14-year period studied than those who sat for less than three hours a day. Most of these deaths were from heart disease or stroke. Men with the same activity level as the above mentioned women were 17 percent more likely to die. These numbers are also true even for people who exercise regularly. Sitting can be hazardous to your health!
The least active people had the highest risk of dying. Women wo did the least amount of exercise and who sat for at least six hours a day during their leisure time were almost twice as likely to die as those who did the most excercise and who sat for less than three hours a day. Men who did the least exercise and sat for at least six hours a day were 1 1/2 times more likely to die. Sitting AND not moving around can really be hazardous to your health. So - get up and walk - a few more steps each day; a few more minutes each day. Make it part of your plan, part of your routine. You will not want to give it up. Believe me!
Happy, Healthy Moving,