Keeping our bodies hydrated is of special concern in the summer. When temperatures rise it becomes more of a challenge to drink enought fluid to replenish what is lost through evaporation, and a lot of water evaporates through the skin. It is the way the body keeps us from burning up.
Water is best but many of us often want something more. You can begin by crossing caffeine and alcohol containing drinks off the list. Both caffeine and alcohol can contrib
ute to dehydration. Beverages that combine fruit juice, water - sparkling or otherwise, and other flavorings can contribute to the daily nutrition profile in addition to keeping our kidneys happy!
Want something sweet and fruitie? Here's an easy one - Use 64 ounces each of cranberry juice and orange juice. Pour one of them into ice cube trays and freeze them. Chill the other in the refrigerator. When juice in trays is frozen, place in large pitcher and pour in other juice. Great for gardening or play breaks on a hot afternoon. Here's another simple, quick idea for summertime water breaks - cut full strength juice with sparkling or seltzer water. Choose whatever juice you like - orange, grapefruit, grape, cranberry or any combination. Add some citrus wedges for fun. Keep well hydrated and love it.
Happy, Healthy Eating and Drinking,